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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tip Leads To Drug Arrest

   A tip from a concerned citizen has lead to the arrest of a Lawrenceburg man on drug-related charges.

   Blake Edward Silver, age 20, was arrested on multiple drug charges at his 227 South Hood Road home. According to a press release issued through the Lawrenceburg Police Department, agents with that department along with agents of the 22nd Judicial District Drug Task Force, made their way there after receiving a tip regarding marijuana plants growing near the house.

   During the ensuing search, agents report finding a single marijuana plant growing beside a “well traveled path leading straight to the residence.”

   When they confronted Silver, agents report he voluntarily handed over a small amount of hallucinogenic mushrooms which are classified as Schedule I narcotics. Inside the home agents report seizing a plastic bag containing marijuana seeds and a number of items considered to be drug paraphernalia.

   As a result of the discovery, Silver was arrested on charges that include manufacture of marijuana, simple possession of marijuana, possession of Schedule 1 narcotics, and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was released from the Lawrence County Jail under a bond of $22,000.

   Silver is slated to answer the charges through Lawrence County General Sessions Court on June 5, 2007.